PhiTools Links
Here is a list of links to interesting institutional, commercial and personal websites.
Institutional sites
- SFN: The Society For Neurosciences
- SN : The French Neuroscience Society
- FENS : The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
- IBRO: The International Brain Research Organisation
- SRBR: Society for Research on Biological Rhytms
- SLTBR: Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhytms
- SFC : French Society for Chronobiology
- ESRS: The European Sleep Research Societies
- SSSRSMC : Swiss Society Of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine And Chronobiology
- BSS : The British Sleep Society
- BASS: The Belgian Association for the Study of Sleep
- DGSM : The German Sleep Society
- TSRS : The Turkish Sleep Medicine Society
- DSRS: The Danish Sleep Research Society
- FSRS: The Finnish Sleep Research Society
- CSS: The Canadian Sleep Society
- SRS : The American Sleep Research Society
- AASM: The American Academy of Sleep Medecine
- ASA : The American Sleep Association
- NSF: The National Sleep Foundation
- ISNR: International Society for Neurofeedback and Research
- IPEG : International Pharmaco-EEG Group
- SOT : Society of Toxicology
- IATDMCT: The International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology
Scientific databases and journals
- MedLinePlus
- PubMed : Online scientific bibliography database
- BioMed Central : The Open Access Publisher
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine
- Science Direct : Access to Elsevier journals
- Neuroscience on the web : A neuroscience site with many links
- NAPS: Alerting e-mail service for sleep bibliography
- The Free Medical Journals Site
- Citseer.IST : Scientific Literature Journal Library
- Sleep Research Online : The online journal for sleep research
- Sleep : The journal of the Sleep Research Society
- JSR : The Journal of Sleep Research of the European Sleep Research Societies
- SMR : The journal of Sleep Medecine Reviews
- JCR : The Journal of Circadian Rhythms
Research laboratories and programs
- Sleep research in Zurich
- INSERM U480 : A sleep research laboratory site
- Circadian Rhythm Laboratory
- Rythmes biologiques et cancers, Chronotherapeutique des Cancers
- SENSATION : Advanced Sensor Development for Attention, Stress, Vigilance and Sleep/Wakefulness Monitoring
- WEALTHY : Wearable Health Care System
Biosignal Processing
- EDF: European Data Format
- The MathWorks, Inc.: MATLAB and Simulink for Technical Computing
- PRANA : a MathWorks Third-Party Products & Services
Clinical trials and CRO
- Sleep Disorders Clinics - Centre for Sleep and Chronobiology
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Current Controlled Trials
- Clinical Research Studies Protocol Database
- Online Clinical Trials Listings
- US Food and Drug Administration
- The International Conference on Harmonisation
Commercial sites
- Electrical Geodesics, leader in dense array EEG
- Philips health products
- MetriSense, Measurement and Sensing Solutions for the Life Sciences
- Temec Instruments, providing ambulatory solutions
Web development
- Mozilla - Firefox - Internet for people, not profit
- World Wide Web Consortium
- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
- CSS.MaxDesign.COM.AU : CSS/HTML website design
- /* Position Is Everything */ — Modern browser bugs explained in detail!
- Little Boxes
- Add a favicon to your website
- Free Sitemap Generator
- Protecting forms using a CAPTCHA
- SEO Tools, Sorftware and Articles
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PhiTools provides advanced software solutions and services for biosignal processing, sleep analysis, psychophysiological research and clinical trials. PhiTools, software tools and services for psychophysiology, polysmonography and chronobiology.